
This website is presently under development. The primary website for MOPAC is still until the majority of its contents have been migrated here.


By default, the number of mers, Z, in a unit cell is worked out from the empirical formula.  Thus, if a unit cell has the empirical formula C24H24, then Z=24.  In those cases where the empirical formula should not be used, e.g., benzene, C6H6, the number of mers can be explicitly defined by use of Z=n, here Z=4. Be careful to distinguish between the number of mers in a unit cell and the number in a cluster - Z=n applies to the number in the unit cell.

If Z=n should be used, but is not used, then the heat of formation per formula unit will be in error by a factor, in the case of crystalline benzene, the ΔHf per formula unit would be 1/6 what it should be.