
This website is presently under development. The primary website for MOPAC is still until the majority of its contents have been migrated here.


(Need to grab web contents for other numbers of arguments)

Similar to THERMO(nnn,mmm), except now three numbers are supplied, the starting temperature, nnn, the step-size, mmm, and the ending temperature, lll.   If desired, the step-size can be lll and the ending temperature mmm.

The step-size cannot be less than 1K. Examples:

 THERMO=(300,20,700) Start at 300K, end at 700K, and use a step-size of 20K.THERMO=(300,700,20) Start at 300K, end at 700K, and use a step-size of 20K.

See also: `THERMO <thermo00.html>`__.