
This website is presently under development. The primary website for MOPAC is still until the majority of its contents have been migrated here.


Print details of the working of CHARST.  CHARST calculates the symmetry characters of the state functions, that is:

c = <Φ|Operator|Φ>

where Φ is a state function, that is, a linear combination of microstates, Ψ.  Each microstate is an antisymmetrized product of molecular orbitals, and each M.O. is a linear combination of atomic orbitals, which, in turn, are represented by Slater orbitals.  Only information on the first state is printed; the quantities printed are:

Symmetry operation in CHARST: the 3x3 Euler rotation matrix representing the operation.  This is a rotation, mirror plane, or a product of the two.

Transform of M.O.s: The result of the operation on the M.O.s  The effect of the operation is to convert each M.O. of the active space into a linear combination of the M.O.s of the active space.

State Transform for State i under Operation j:  As the name suggests, this is the result of operating on state |Φi> with operator |Operatorj, i.e.:


The state is then converted into a linear combination of states.

For CHARST to work DEBUG must also be present.  Adding SYMOIR will give the characters of the operations for all states.

See States for more information