
This website is presently under development. The primary website for MOPAC is still until the majority of its contents have been migrated here.


Restricts the active space to single-electron and double-electron excitations for configuration interaction calculations (i.e. Configuration Interaction Singles and Doubles).

Number of configurations for \(n\) doubly-occupied orbitals and \(m\) empty orbitals

excitation type

# of configs

none (RHF ground state)


1 \(\alpha\) electron

\(m n\)

1 \(\beta\) electron

\(m n\)

1 \(\alpha\) electron & 1 \(\beta\) electron

\(m^2 n^2\)

2 \(\alpha\) electrons

\(m (m-1) n (n-1)/4\)

2 \(\beta\) electrons

\(m (m-1) n (n-1)/4\)


INDO calculations can also use this keyword to request double-electron excitations in MRCI calculations.