This website is presently under development. The primary website for MOPAC is still until the majority of its contents have been migrated here.
Print some of the working in subroutine DERIV. Quantities printed are:
(A) The geometry using in the derivative calculation.
(B) The gradients of the coordinates flagged for optimization. Units:
kcal/mol/Angstrom and kcal/mol/radian (for angles and dihedrals)
These are the complete gradients, that is, the gradients of the SCF
energy plus any post-SCF quantities such as dispersion and hydrogen
These are the values that will be passed back from subroutine DERIV.
(C) The values of the coordinates flagged for optimization. Units:
Angstroms and radians.
Some of the working in subroutines within DERIV can be printed, see
<Dcart.html>`__ and `DERNVO