This website is presently under development. The primary website for MOPAC is still until the majority of its contents have been migrated here.
The static polarizability is calculated. An electric field gradient is
applied to the system, and the response is calculated. The dipole and
polarizability are calculated two different ways, from the change in
ΔHf and from the change in dipole. A measure of the imprecision
of the calculation can be obtained by comparing the two quantities.
Greater precision can be obtained by increasing the precision of the SCF
or RELSCF=0.01
In 2004, the polarizability volume reported was modified by the use of additive corrections.
, 37 or 38 SCF calculations are involved. The
polarizability involves 36 calculations, one for each electric field.
The fields are +X, -X, +2X, -2X, +Y, -Y, +2Y, -2Y, +X+Y, -X+Y, -X-Y,
+X-Y, +2X+2Y, -2X+2Y, -2X-2Y, +2X-2Y, +Z, -Z, +2Z, -2Z, +X+Z, -X+Z,
-X-Z, +X-Z, +2X+2Z, -2X+2Z, -2X-2Z, +2X-2Z, +Y+Z, -Y+Z, -Y-Z, +Y-Z,
+2Y+2Z, -2Y+2Z, -2Y-2Z, and +2Y-2Z. These are used in the construction
of a three by three secular matrix, which is then diagonalized, giving
the orthogonal polarizabilities.
See also `POLAR