
This website is presently under development. The primary website for MOPAC is still until the majority of its contents have been migrated here.


Print some of the working in subroutine DERNVO. DERNVO works out contributions to the gradients of the Cartesian  coordinates arising from the open-shell RHF wavefunction.  Quantities printed are:

*  CARTESIAN DERIVATIVES DUE TO FROZEN CORE: This is RO-UHF equivalent to the material printed by DCART.
*  RESIDUAL ERROR: If the Cartesian derivatives are calculated correctly, then the sum of the gradients in “x”, “y”, and “z” will be zero  The difference from zero is a measure of the error in the Cartesian derivatives due to the frozen core.
*  CARTESIAN DERIVATIVES DUE TO RELAXING CORE: This is the contribution to the Cartesian derivatives arising from the C.I. terms only.
*  RESIDUAL ERROR: If the Cartesian derivatives due to the relaxing core are calculated correctly, then the sum of the gradients in “x”, “y”, and “z” will be zero  The difference from zero is a measure of the error in the Cartesian derivatives due to the relaxing core.
*  CARTESIAN DERIVATIVES FROM ANALYTICAL C.I. CALCULATION The sum of the frozen plus relaxing contributions (the total derivative due to the wave-function)
*  RESIDUAL ERROR: The errors in the calculation of the sum of the frozen plus relaxing contributions to the total derivative due to the wave-function.  Ideally, these should be zero.