MOPAC’s application programming interface (API) is intended to streamline access and improve performance for the most commonly used features, while also providing access to MOPAC’s conventional file-based operations.
The Python API is located in the api.py
module of mopactools, which can be imported as:
from mopactools import api
Conventional MOPAC calculations using an input file can then be run by using the function:
- mopactools.api.from_file(input_path)
Run a MOPAC calculation from an input file that is equivalent to running MOPAC on the command line.
For example, an input file at the path
should generate an ouput file at the pathdir/name.out
. MOPAC also accepts input files with the.dat
extension or no file extension, and it can also use the input block at the bottom of an archive file (.arc
) that was generated by a previous MOPAC calculation if a.arc
file is given as an input file. In addition to a primary output file (.out
), MOPAC may generate other outputs such as an archive file (.arc
) and a machine-readable output data file (.aux
) that can be requested using theAUX
- input_pathpath-like
The path to a MOPAC input file.
- statusbool
Truth value indicating whether or not an error occured during the MOPAC calculation.
The rest of the API functionality is presently limited to the most commonly used features in MOPAC, which is the calculation of an electronic ground state, with an option to relax the atomic coordinates to their local energy minimum, and a further option to calculate vibrational properties at that relaxed geometry. These features can be run using either the conventional MOPAC solver or the linear-scaling MOZYME solver. The MOZYME solver is faster for larger systems, but only works under a narrower set of conditions. Specifically, the MOZYME solver only works for closed-shell systems with a covalent and/or ionic bonding structure that can be inferred from the geometry. Otherwise, MOZYME will fail and report an error.
This functionality is accessed through the function:
- mopactools.api.from_data(system, state, relax=False, vibe=False)
Run a MOPAC calculation defined by the input data.
- systemMopacSystem
The description of the atomistic system to be calculated.
- stateMopacState or MozymeState
The electronic ground state that the calculation is initialized to. The type is used to determine whether to run a MOPAC or MOZYME calculation.
- relaxbool, optional
Relax the positions of the atoms into a local energy minimum.
- vibebool, optional
Perform a vibrational calculation on a geometry that is in a local energy minimum.
- propertiesMopacProperties
The physical properties calculated by MOPAC, with vibrational frequencies, properties.freq, and displacement vectors, properties.disp, set to None unless vibe is True.
The Python data layout follows the underlying Fortran (with C bindings) data layout. There is a MopacSystem
object for the atomistic system data
and computational options that define the calculation, a MopacState
or MozymeState
object that describes the electronic ground state at the beginning
and end of the calculation, and a MopacProperties
object that stores the important physical properties that were evaluated during the calculation.
The MopacSystem
object is strictly an input that is not altered by the calculation, while the MopacState
and MozymeState
objects act as both
inputs and outputs, so the input object is altered by the function call. The initial value of MopacState
or MozymeState
is used as the initial guess
for the self-consistent field (SCF) cycle, and the final value is the converged ground state at the end of the SCF cycle. An uninitialized MopacState
instance correspond to the default guesses for the electronic ground state (an atomic guess for MOPAC and a Lewis-bonded guess for MOZYME).
The MopacProperties
object is strictly an output, therefore it is returned by the API call rather than specified as a function argument.
The relaxed geometry of a system is stored in MopacProperties.coord_update
rather than MopacSystem.coord
because MopacSystem
is not
altered by calls to api.from_data
. The user has to update the geometry themselves if they want it to be used in subsequent calculations.
The specification of this API data structures is as follows:
- class mopactools.api.MopacSystem(c_system=None)
Information defining a MOPAC calculation of an atomistic system
- natomint
The number of atoms in the system.
- natom_moveint
The number of atoms in the system that are allowed to move. The first natom_move atoms in the list can move, and the last natom-natom_move atoms cannot.
- chargeint
The total charge on the system.
- spinint
The excess electronic spin on the system. For example, spin=0 is a singlet and spin=1 is a triplet for an even number of electrons, and spin=0 is a doublet for an odd number of electrons.
- model{“PM7”, “PM6-D3H4”, “PM6-ORG”, “PM6”, “AM1”, “RM1”} or int
The semiempirical model used for the calculation, or the corresponding integer value in the base API layer.
- epsilonfloat
The dielectric constant of the implicit solvent that the atomistic system is embedded in. There is no implicit solvent if epsilon=1.0, the dielectric constant of empty vacuum.
- atomndarray of ints, or list of strs or ints
An array containing the atomic numbers of the atoms being simulated. This can also be specified as a list of atomic numbers and/or element symbols, which will be converted into an array when MopacSystem is attached to the MOPAC library.
- coordndarray
An array containing the Cartesian coordinates of atoms in xyz order and Angstrom units.
- nlatticeint
The number of lattice/translation vectors that define periodic boundary conditions.
- nlattice_moveint
The number of lattice/translation vectors that are allowed to move. The first nlattice_move vectors can move, and the last nlattice-nlattice_move vectors cannot.
- pressurefloat
The external pressure applied to the system in units of Gigapascals (GPa).
- latticendarray
An array contains the Cartesian coordinates of lattice vectors in xyz order and Angstrom units.
- tolerancefloat
The relative numerical tolerances of the MOPAC calculation, with tolerance=1.0 as default. The default is appropriate for most calculations, and this is only intended to test convergence.
- max_timeint
The maximum run time that a MOPAC calculation is allowed to use in seconds.
- attach()
Attach to a c_mopac_system instance that uses Python memory.
- class mopactools.api.MopacState(c_state=None)
Electronic ground state in a conventional MOPAC calculation
- mpackint
Size of the packed density matrix. An uninitialized MOPAC ground state is denoted by mpack=0.
- uhfbool
Flag specifying if the ground state uses spin-unrestricted electronic orbitals.
- pandarray
Electronic density matrix for the alpha electrons in a packed lower-triangle format.
- pbndarray
If bool=True, electronic density matrix for the beta electrons in a packed lower-triangle format.
- attach()
Attach to a c_mopac_state instance and move memory into MOPAC.
- update()
Update the Python data to be consistent with the MOPAC data.
- detach()
Detach from a c_mopac_state instance and move memory into Python.
- class mopactools.api.MozymeState(c_state=None)
Electronic ground state in a linear-scaling MOZYME calculation
- numatint
Number of “real” atoms with active electrons. An uninitialized MOZYME ground state is denoted by numat=0.
- nbondsndarray of ints
Number of Lewis bonds for each real atom.
- ibondsndarray of ints
List of Lewis-bonded real atoms for each real atom.
- iorbsndarray of ints
Number of orbitals for each real atom.
- noccupiedint
Number of occupied local molecular orbitals (LMOs).
- ncfndarray of ints
Number of atoms in each occupied LMO.
- nvirtualint
Number of virtual LMOs.
- ncendarray of ints
Number of atoms in each virtual LMO.
- icoccndarray of ints
1-based index of each real atom in each occupied LMO.
- icvirndarray of ints
1-based index of each real atom in each virtual LMO.
- coccndarray
orbital coefficients of each real atom in each occupied LMO.
- cvirndarray
orbital coefficients of each real atom in each virtual LMO.
- attach()
Attach to a c_mozyme_state instance and move memory into MOPAC.
- update()
Update the Python data to be consistent with the MOPAC data.
- detach()
Detach from a c_mozyme_state instance and move memory into Python.
- class mopactools.api.MopacProperties(c_properties=None, system=None)
Properties generated by a MOPAC calculation
- heatfloat
The heat of formation of the system in units of kcal/mol.
- dipolendarray
The dipole vector of the system in units of Debye.
- chargendarray
The partial charge on each atom in the system.
- coord_updatendarray
The updated Cartesian coordinates of the moveable atoms in xyz format and Angstrom units.
- coord_derivndarray
The heat-of-formation gradients of the moveable atoms in xyz format and kcal/mol/Angstrom units.
- freqndarray
The viibrational frequencies of the normal modes of the moveable atoms in units of 1/cm.
- dispndarray
The displacement vectors of the normal modes of the moveable atoms in xyz format.
- bond_ordercsc_matrix
The bond-order matrix with diagonal entries corresponding to the valence of atoms.
- lattice_updatendarray
The updated Cartesian coordinates of the moveable lattice vectors in xyz format and Angstrom units.
- lattice_derivndarray
The heat-of-formation gradients of the moveable lattice vectors in xyz format and kcal/mol/Angstrom units.
- stressndarray
The stress tensor in Voigt form (xx, yy, zz, yz, xz, xy) and Gigapascal units.
- detach()
Detach from a c_mopac_properties instance and move memory into Python.
Finally, version information about the MOPAC shared library is provided by the module variable:
- mopactools.api.VERSION
Semantic version number of the MOPAC shared library
None of the MOPAC API functionality is thread-safe. Typical usage of Python occurs in a single thread, so this is not relevant to normal operations. However, Python is slowly expanding its multi-threading support, so this may eventually be a problem. Making MOPAC itself thread-safe is not a realistic possibility without completely rewriting it, but the Python API wrapper could be made thread-safe if each thread loads a separate instance of the MOPAC shared library.