.. _NOTER: ``NOSYM`` ========= By default, symmetry point-groups are automatically assigned, and used in identifying the irreducible representations of molecular orbitals, vibrations, and states, and in accelerating the construction of the Hessian in FORCE calculations. Sometimes a system almost has the symmetry of a point group higher than C\ :sub:`1`. Minor deviations from exact symmetry are allowed, but these sometimes cause difficulties. If that happens, then the job will fail. To prevent this happening, the symmetry can be re-defined as C\ :sub:`1`. This effectively disables all the symmetry features, so some jobs, particularly ```FORCE`` `__ calculations, will take longer to run. Use ``NOSYM`` if there is any reason to suspect that the point-group symmetry features are causing problems. A second type of symmetry can be used by specifying  ``SYMMETRY``.  This is distinct from the default of using the point-group of the system to label irreducible representations and to accelerate ``FORCE`` calculations. When ``SYMMETRY`` is used, the symmetry relations between coordinates are defined by the user.  These can be used for defining the point-group of a molecule, for example the D\ :sub:`6h` of benzene, but no point-group theory is used when ``SYMMETRY`` is specified.