.. _HESS: ``HESS`` ======== In Baker's Eigenvector Following routine, options exist for deciding how to construct the initial Hessian matrix. The default is ``HESS=0``. Options available are: ```` HESS=0 This is the default for geometry optimization (i.e., when ``EF`` is used). The initial Hessian is set equal to a diagonal matrix, with the diagonal terms set to 1000 kcal/mol/Å\ :sup:`2` for bond-lengths, 500 kcal/mol/degrees\ :sup:`2` for angles, and 200 kcal/mol/degrees\ :sup:`2` for dihedrals. If Cartesian coordinates are used, all diagonal elements are set to 200 kcal/mol/Å\ :sup:`2`. Do *not* specify ``HESS=0`` unless there is a good reason to do so. ```` HESS=1 This is the default for transition-state location (i.e., when ``TS`` is used). The full Hessian matrix is constructed using single-sided derivatives, see `Hessian Matrix `__, using the same density matrix throughout the entire construction of the Hessian. ```` HESS=2 A rarely used option. The Hessian matrix from an earlier run can be used to start the current job. In order for this to work, there must be a one-to-one correspondence of parameters to be optimized. For example, if a geometry optimization using ``EF`` and ``AM1`` were to be followed by a similar geometry optimization using ``EF`` and ``PM3``, then the Hessian from the earlier calculation could be used to start the ``PM3`` job. (A simpler way of achieving this result is to use ``RESTART``, but note that this will also use the old geometry.)