.. _EF: ``EF`` ====== The Eigenvector Following routine [`7 `__] is the default geometry optimization method. For systems with more than 100 variables, the L-BFGS optimizer is the default.  To prevent the L-BFGS optimizer being used, add keyword ``EF``.  That is, ``EF`` is provided to allow explicit definition of the optimizer. Alternative geometry optimizers are the BFGS [\ `19 `__,\ `20 `__,\ `21 `__,\ `22 `__] and the low-memory method, `L-BFGS `__ . See also ``DDMAX``, ``DDMIN``, ``DMAX``, ``HESS``, ``IUPD``, ``LET``, ``MODE=``, ``NONR``, ``OMIN``, ``PRNT=``, ``RECALC``, ``RMAX``, ``RMIN``, ``RSCAL``. The current ``EF``, while very reliable, is sometimes slow. To over-ride some safety checks, specify ``LET``. This will sometimes make the job run faster.