.. _CdotIdot: C.I. ==== Defines an active space for multi-electron configuration interaction (MECI) calculations from orbitals near the chemical potential. By default, this keyword defines a complete active space, but the active space can be further restricted to specific classes of excitations with the keywords :ref:`CIS`, :ref:`CISD`, and :ref:`CISDT`. **SYNTAX:** ``C.I.=n`` Activate the :math:`\lceil n/2 \rceil` orbitals at or below the chemical potential and the :math:`\lfloor n/2 \rfloor` orbitals above the chemical potential. **SYNTAX:** ``C.I.=(n,m)`` Activate the :math:`n` orbitals closest to the chemical potential containing :math:`m` electron pairs. This accounting ignores the unpaired electron in systems with an odd number of electrons. MOPAC constructs and diagonalizes the active-space Hamiltonian as a dense matrix, which becomes prohibitive in cost around ``C.I.=8`` if the active space is not restricted in size with other keywords. .. table:: Number of configurations in MECI active spaces =========== ============== =================== ================== ============ =================== ================== ============ Keyword Even number of electrons Odd number of electrons -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- 1 variable 2 variables # of :math:`\alpha` # of :math:`\beta` # of configs # of :math:`\alpha` # of :math:`\beta` # of configs =========== ============== =================== ================== ============ =================== ================== ============ ``C.I.=1`` ``C.I.=(1,1)`` 1 1 1 1 0 1 ``C.I.=2`` ``C.I.=(2,1)`` 1 1 4 1 0 2 ``C.I.=3`` ``C.I.=(3,2)`` 2 2 9 2 1 9 ``C.I.=4`` ``C.I.=(4,2)`` 2 2 36 2 1 24 ``C.I.=5`` ``C.I.=(5,3)`` 3 3 100 3 2 100 ``C.I.=6`` ``C.I.=(6,3)`` 3 3 400 3 2 300 ``C.I.=7`` ``C.I.=(7,4)`` 4 4 1225 4 3 1225 ``C.I.=8`` ``C.I.=(8,4)`` 4 4 4900 4 3 3920 =========== ============== =================== ================== ============ =================== ================== ============ .. note:: :ref:`INDO` calculations use this keyword to specify the active orbitals for single-electron excitations, either from a Hatree-Fock reference state (:ref:`CIS` or :ref:`CISD`) or from a complete active space (:ref:`MRCI`). By default, all orbitals are active for this purpose.