.. _CdotAdotSdot: C.A.S. ====== Adjust the active orbitals that define a Complete Active Space (CAS) in an :ref:`INDO` calculation. **SYNTAX:** ``C.A.S.=n`` Activate the :math:`\lceil n/2 \rceil` orbitals at or below the chemical potential and the :math:`\lfloor n/2 \rfloor` orbitals above the chemical potential. **SYNTAX:** ``C.A.S.=(n,m)`` Activate the :math:`n` orbitals closest to the chemical potential containing :math:`m` electron pairs. This accounting ignores the unpaired electron in systems with an odd number of electrons. A CAS contains all spin-adapted configurations of electrons rearranged within the active orbitals. By default, 2 orbitals are actived when :ref:`MRCI` is specified (equivalent to ``C.A.S.=2``). If the ``C.A.S.`` keyword is combined with other keywords related to active spaces (:ref:`MRCI`, :ref:`CIS`, :ref:`CISD`, :ref:`CdotIdot`, :ref:`CdotIdotDdot`), the CAS is further expanded by applying single-electron or double-electron excitations to its configurations. Note that the size of CAS grows exponentially with :math:`n`. Only a small number of orbitals can be activated before the computational costs becomes prohibitive. This is particularly true if the active space is further expanded by additional few-electron excitations.