.. _CISDT: CISDT ===== Restricts the active space to single-electron, double-electron, and triple-electron excitations for configuration interaction calculations (i.e. Configuration Interaction Singles, Doubles, and Triples). .. table:: Number of configurations for :math:`n` doubly-occupied orbitals and :math:`m` empty orbitals ===================================================== ================================= excitation type # of configs ===================================================== ================================= none (RHF ground state) :math:`1` 1 :math:`\alpha` electron :math:`m n` 1 :math:`\beta` electron :math:`m n` 1 :math:`\alpha` electron & 1 :math:`\beta` electron :math:`m^2 n^2` 2 :math:`\alpha` electrons :math:`m (m-1) n (n-1)/4` 2 :math:`\beta` electrons :math:`m (m-1) n (n-1)/4` 1 :math:`\alpha` electron & 2 :math:`\beta` electrons :math:`m^2 (m-1) n^2 (n-1)/4` 2 :math:`\alpha` electrons & 1 :math:`\beta` electron :math:`m^2 (m-1) n^2 (n-1)/4` 3 :math:`\alpha` electrons :math:`m(m-1)(m-2)n(n-1)(n-2)/36` 3 :math:`\beta` electrons :math:`m(m-1)(m-2)n(n-1)(n-2)/36` ===================================================== =================================